Students may major in 说法语的研究 (Plan A major) or 说法语的研究 and a second language (Plan B major).
A计划专业 in 说法语的研究 are required to have 11 courses beyond FREN 102.
B计划专业 whose primary concentration is 说法语的研究 are required to have seven courses in French beyond FREN 102.
B计划专业 whose secondary concentration is 说法语的研究 are required to have five courses in French beyond FREN 102.
核心课程: All A计划专业 in Francophone studies are required to have 11 courses beyond FREN 102. 以下五项是必需的:FREN 241. Advanced Composition and Style; any two of the following four courses: FREN 247. Race and Empire; 朋友248. Revolts and Revolutions; 朋友251. Language and Identity; FREN 252. Creative Writing in French (no more than one of these four may be by transfer credit); at least one 300-level course whose language of instruction is French (to be taken at 全球十大网赌正规平台); 和FREN 401.
选修课: 必修六门选修课. Three electives can be taken in English in another discipline (numbered at other than the 100 level), 关注与法语世界相关的话题. 这些课程是可以找到的, 例如, 在英语等院系或课程中, 历史, 美术, 国际研究, 音乐, 哲学, 政治科学, the other sections of the language and culture studies department, or the equivalents of such offerings in any approved foreign study program.
B计划专业 whose primary concentration is Francophone studies are required to have seven courses in Francophone studies beyond FREN 102; the following are required: FREN 241, 两门课程选自FREN 247, 朋友248, 朋友251, 和FREN 252, at least one 300-level course conducted in French (to be taken at 全球十大网赌正规平台), 和FREN 401. 在剩下的两门选修课中, one course in English not offered under a Francophone studies rubric (numbered at other than the 100 level) 关注与法语世界相关的话题 may be counted toward the major (see examples under Plan A major above).
B计划专业 whose secondary concentration is Francophone studies are required to have five courses in Francophone studies beyond FREN 102; the following are required: FREN 241, 两门课程选自FREN 247, 朋友248, 朋友251, 和FREN 252.
顶石/高级项目: The Writing Intensive Part II requirement for A计划专业 and B计划专业 whose primary concentration is Francophone studies is fulfilled by FREN 401. 高级研讨会. 本课程以20-25页的研究论文结束. Students double-majoring in Francophone studies and another discipline are encouraged to combine research interests; however, no part of their senior project can be translated material from coursework in another department.
研究了: All Plan A and B计划专业 are encouraged to study in an approved program in some part of the Francophone world.
荣誉: Students qualifying for honors in their French majors must attain a cumulative average of A- or better in all courses counting toward the major, 包括FREN 401.
法语辅修课:for students who wish to minor in French language, this is a sequence of 5.5 credits beyond FREN 102 designed to develop linguistic skills and to give an appreciation of Francophone cultures and civilizations. The five required courses in Francophone studies must include FREN 281. 会话法语:时事,可以包括, 但不限于, 朋友251, 252, 或者用法语进行的300级课程. 额外的 .5 credit can be achieved through the French Film Festival course (with written work done in French), 或者另一门1学分的法语学习课程. A maximum of one course taught in English under the language and culture studies rubric may be counted toward the minor. No more than one transfer credit taken in an approved study away program may be applied to the minor.
To declare a minor in French language, contact Karen Humphreys or Blase Provitola. Students interested in cross-disciplinary approaches to the study of Francophone cultures are referred to the interdisciplinary Francophone studies minor
协调员:Karen Humphreys,首席讲师
The minor in Francophone studies has at its heart a travel-away experience in a francophone country, because living abroad is so centrally important to the understanding of another culture. This minor gives students the opportunity to integrate their study-away experience with courses taken at Trinity both before and after their study away. Students who participate in an approved program in a francophone country are strongly encouraged to pursue this minor, as are those who have taken a first-year seminar on topics related to the francophone world. The minor consists of six courses, with a minimum grade of C in each course.
The six required courses for the minor must be distributed as follows:
- 至少修过两门在全球十大网赌正规平台的课程.
- At least two courses taken as part of an approved study-away program in a francophone country, 法语或与法语文化相关的话题.
- At least one French course above FREN 202 taken at the Trinity home campus.
- A capstone course completed after the return from study away that will allow students to integrate their experience away with their academic program at Trinity. 通常,本课程将起源于LACS. Other courses may substitute with the approval of the coordinators of the minor. Courses must be drawn from at least three categories of inquiry (the arts; 历史, 政治, and thought; and French language and/or francophone literatures), 经辅修协调员批准. A list of approved courses for each academic year will be available from the minor coordinators.